Monday 13 April 2015

Day 2 - April 13th

km: 30       to date: 60
End point: TCH just West of Exit 36

Bottles/cans: 44       to date: 131

Money spent: $0       to date: $42

Temp: 0C sunny, westerly winds

I said today was going to be better.  I was right and wrong. Sun was shining all day! If it wasn't I'm not sure where I'd be. Still cool and going against the wind a bit but that's to be expected running East to West this year.

Using my solar charger and only taking a few pictures here and there I was able to get one battery fully charged and theother up to 20%. With limited use tomorrow and more sun in the forecast should be all set for awhile  (expecting rain Wednesday).

Highway clean up was brutal today as my old legs were a little sore and couldn't handle bending down to pick up litter too much. Let alone climb up and down the steep banks on the side of the highway.
Shoulders were smooth except for one 10km stretch of rumble strips. I remember more of these ahead and am dreading them. Makes it difficult to run on and is hard on Oskar too.

Had trouble breathing a few times today. Also dizzy spells twice that made me stop to find a spot sheltered from the wind for a quick sit down / lie down. Took some walking breaks todayespecially on the uphills. Managed another 30k but that was it. Sure the days will get easier once my body adjusts.

Tent set up better late this afternoon (20 mins). Had my first warm meal using my homemade wood burning stove! Will get a picture and talk more about that tomorrow. Also will try for more distance and have an idea that will help with the clean up!

10pm here = bed time

1 comment:

  1. great work today cousin, be patient with your body as it transitions to its new job.
